
There are fifty countries within the continent of Europe, however, a few of these countries are also located within the continent of Asia.

With so many choices, it can be difficult for anyone to decide which European country they want to visit during their next vacation. Thankfully, a few of the countries are better than the others, which automatically moves them to the top of the list of possibilities.

Here are the top 5 countries to visit in Europe:

  1. Croatia

Dubrovnik, Croatia. Morgan Jones/Unsplash

Croatia seems to have an abundance of everything, but most travelers choose to visit this country for the history that can be found there. After all, people have lived in this country since the prehistoric times and many of the historical sites have been wonderfully preserved. One of the best places to experience and see the history of this country is Dubrovnik. This area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as the country’s old city. Within the city are the City Walls, and visitors will find themselves fascinated as they wander along the pathways next to the walls viewing the city from a different vantage point. While in Dubrovnik, visitors will also want to stop by many of the other landmarks, including the Franciscan Monastery, the Synagogue, and the Cathedral.

  1. France

Eiffel Tour, Paris, France. Anthony DELANOIX/Unsplash

There isn’t much that isn’t available in France and that is what makes it such a popular destination amongst tourists. After all, where else can a person visit a museum, see a UNESCO World Heritage Site, drink amazing wine, eat delicious cuisine, and shop at fashion mega stores all in one day? There is so much to do in this country that a person will need weeks to conquer everything on their list as well as the new things that they realize that they must discover when they are there. Anyone that wants a vacation full of history, art, and shopping will be thrilled to know that they can do it all without venturing too far in some of the major cities in France.

  1. Ireland

Samuel Beckett Bridge, Dublin, Ireland. Giuseppe Milo/Pixael

There is an abundance of nature to be discovered and seen in Ireland and people will find that they will want to travel throughout the entire country to see it all. One of the best ways to see a good portion of the beauty that is everywhere in this country is to drive along the Ring of Kerry. This looped route is one hundred and seventy-nine kilometers in length and as it winds around, visitors will catch views of sandy beaches, massive cliffs, and medieval ruins. Everyone will want to stop at the Kerry International Dark-Sky Reserve at night, so that they can experience the stars and the moon without the distraction of additional lights. Those who have a little extra time may even want to travel along the Skellig Ring. This route is a little shorter, which also makes it perfect for those who have less time to spend exploring the country, and it has numerous sections that offer phenomenal views.

  1. Italy

Gritti Palace Hotel, Venice, Italy. Credit: Club del Doge Restaurant.

Food and wine are the two things that Italy is known for, although many people travel there for the history too. However, it is possible for a person to go to Italy and simply eat their way around the country! After all, no one can resist delicacies that include pizza, polenta, risotto, carbonara, focaccia, gelato, and tiramisu. Many places in Italy even have food holidays throughout the year, and those are the best times to be in those areas. Visitors can test the olive oil during the OliOliva Festival in Liguria in November or they can do a wine tasting in Campania at different times of the year.

  1. Belgium

Photo Credit: Dave McClane/ManvsGlobe

There are at least one hundred and eighty breweries in Belgium, which may be the reason why the nightlife is fantastic over there. Those who visit this country are going to want to be prepared to stay up late, because things do not really get going at the bars and clubs until one o’clock in the morning. Once everyone arrives, the drinks start flowing, the music starts, and the dancing continues until dawn. Visitors have a choice of going to a club, bar, or even a pub, and each one offers something unique. All the options have either live music or DJs, but some of them will also have karaoke, which is a lot of fun.


These five countries are the top ones to visit in Europe and travelers will find numerous things to do and see in each one. Some people may choose one country over another due to events that are taking place, the weather during the time of their visit, or the cost of their time there. It doesn’t matter how a person chooses their destination, as long as they choose the one where they can make memories to last forever.

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